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Thursday, January 19, 2012

I support SOPA

I have thinking been about this since the hubby started posting passionate shout-outs in Facebook about SOPA. The educated mind hears the voices saying "freedom of speech." But the heart just says, it's all good, I like it, I've been waiting for it.

The personal is the political indeed. And without any attempt at seamless transition, let it be known that I support it. I feel marginalized and to some degree "concerned" about what other people will say, but as a wife and a mother, I'm saying it again. I hope the bill makes it.

I will miss being able to download ebooks, movies, music, etc. I will miss being able to look up anything and everything under the sun - especially about my line of work. But the things that I'll miss, far outweigh what I won't.

I won't miss the days when Wiki, Fark, Reddit, etc. made me feel like I'm the most boring romantic partner in the world because the hubby would rather surf than write me love letters or send me a 100-word email. Somehow, I've learned to come to terms with the fact that "he's no longer into letter-writing" but something in me never stopped believing that if only circumstances were different, our years of letter-writing would have continued to this day. I won't miss the days when I'd wonder if we'll have longer, better, deeper conversations if we didn't have internet access. I won't miss the days when I'd wake up to a hubby surfing when I'm hoping I'd wake up next to him, just there, looking at me. Our love affair started in the late 90's. I loved it much better then, when life was simple.

If I had my way, I'd love for The Little One (TLO) to grow up in a world of libraries and photocopiers. I still believe that having everything accessible online has made the younger generation intellectually lazy. They have so much information within reach, but they don't even know what to do with it.

If access to online information becomes restricted, people will go back to buying books. And with the power of the "invisible hand," books will no longer be too expensive. We'll have more trips to the bookstore when that happens, not Google clicks.

I question the noisy crowd fighting SOPA. Wiki, Google, Reddit? These are businesses. They may invoke the power of free speech but if you read the fine print, they're protecting revenue.

Worried about not finding what you need by just going through a search engine? We survived without them. Free your mind of the consumer-driven need.

I am not going to apologize but I feel for the hubby who may feel betrayed. My love, we're on different sides of the fence this time.


  1. (Outside the topic of SOPA). So you'd rather have a controlled environment where your hubby has nothing to do so he'll resort to writing you letters. How about you? When was the last time you wrote him? You don't have to wait for him to write, you can write him. Some positive actions from your part might bring back the lover in him you've been missing. Whining and being sad will not do anything. Write him, write more letters of love. Short notes would do. Leave it on his laptop, or slip it in his wallet. I'm pretty sure it's gonna work. It worked on me. I used to write letters for my fiance almost everyday. I stopped. I don't know why, it just did. But she didn't. And I'm thankful for that. I love writing her, and reading her letters brought back the romantico in me. Now we're writing each other again frequently. (our relationship is probably not as long as your's but this is coming from a man in an almost 10-year relationship)


