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Saturday, August 25, 2018

Opsling vs Diazepam

I lost some memories from the days I spent at the hospital. They are being returned to me in bits and pieces.

Today I remembered the conversation about Diazepam.

In each of two seizure episodes, the doctors decided to give me an intravenous dose of this drug. It had to be explained to us that they had to think of both mommy and embryo when they made the decision - emphasis on "both," euphemism for "you may give birth to ground pork but at least you're alive." Sorry, I tend to rely on my dark sense of humor to make things light.

Opsling survived three seizure episodes. This is him/her today at 13 weeks. Still hanging on, residential components intact, and with a stable heart rate. I humbly ask that you include Opsling in your prayers and/or meditation. Please send strength, courage, and healing miracles his/her way. Thank you!

P.S. And to our whole family too.