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Tuesday, October 04, 2011

KIA Pride

Image is from here

KIA (Know-it-all) is every trainer's nightmare. You can't tell them to go to hell and prepare to pay extra baggage fees for all their knowledge and their big fat hyperactive mouth... At least not in front of the class. Thought balloons were invented, among other things, for KIA situations.

Since I've been teaching for the past three weeks, I've been exposed once again to the KIA's of the world. The one I had in class today was outstanding.

We were talking about how two hotels define children... 12 is the maximum age. This definition is quite unique for a hotel in the US because most hotels consider 18 to be the max. age for children. KIA then said, "just like in Germany, their's is 13." I acknowledged the trivia. Then she went on and on talking about how kids in Germany get an allowance from the government and how there are dormitories specifically for young adults and that when they turn 19 they're kicked out.

I tuned out and attempted to make everyone feel at ease (other trainees were starting to show signs of irritation). I said something about how great it is to live in a country where you actually see where your hard-earned taxes are going. I said that if I had a car, I'll be frustrated whenever I'd have to pay toll fee because it's taxpayers' money that made the roads and making me pay toll is just doubly whammy.

KIA found another opportunity to say something. She said something about how somewhere in the world, they just do thumbprint scan or swipe a special card instead of pay toll fee.

Before she could hog the limelight again, I intervened and said, our country will have our own version of that... we'll do toncil scans. And then I demonstrated how it's going to be done by opening my mouth.

Laughter laughter laughter from everyone. Then I made my signature swift transition move (timing should be while everyone's still busy doing their LOLs) . It starts with "interesting...I wish we had more time (SMILE) we're now going to talk about"... I finally got to the next topic.

KIA's moments (what I wrote is just half of it) took away 15 minutes of my average running time. Hate it.

For Christmas, I wish she finds better things to do outside of waving her flag of shitty KIA pride.

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