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Friday, June 03, 2016

TLO's Special Adventure Fundraising

With humility and in faith, hope, and love, I launched a fundraising initiative for TLO last Thursday. Within 24 hours, angels came down from heaven, giving us words of encouragement, moral support, prayers and financial assistance. My faith in the power of kindness was renewed.

The thought of depending on others for anything big or small makes me cringe. I work hard. That was the recurring theme of my younger years: work towards greatness in anything and everything, by myself. This changed in my late 20s. I started seeing the value of having life partners and companions. I trained myself to be interested in people. I taught myself to say "help" and share my joys, fears, pains and dreams with others. I built and nurtured loving relationships with friends, coworkers and family. I looked for mentors.

TLO's fundraising is a cry for help. It is a mother's cry for help. It is my exhaustion from having my hands tied with variables that I cannot control. It is my love for my other child who deserves no less than what we have given his Ate. It is an attempt to thrive in the present, to be whole despite being broken by uncertainties and that cruel thing called "the future."

A number of friends, after seeing my solicitation post, commended my courage. I still don't get that despite the comforting explanations offered. Maybe I will understand what they mean when I am older. Right now, I just know that we will not be able to provide for our children's needs on our own.

We have received this much (in PhP) from the time that I asked for help. This will cover two months of therapy sessions (for transparency, I will be posting copies of receipts when we pay for these sessions). Sincerest thanks to all of you. May your days be filled with with random acts of kindness from strangers and everyone you hold dear.

*First two lines came from a writing gig that The Hubby and I did back in January 2015. Hurray for untouched Paypal payments


Please continue to help us send TLO to Occupational and Speech Therapy sessions. 

You also may send your love through: 

BPI Express Savings
Account# 1739164997
Account Name: Maria Rominda R Baniqued

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