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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Session 1

After almost three months of waiting, we finally got an appointment in HELP Therapy Center. Despite the long wait, we're still truly blessed because it's a three-minute walk from our apartment. Less travel time means an awful lot. BUT. I still can't believe the waitlist period for Developmental Pediatricians and Occupational Therapists. Sigh. 'Nuff said. We're happy, we're ok, we're in!

For the first session, Teacher Mark just allowed the Little One to play, read a book, scribble using crayons, walk , run, make noise. The goal of the session was observation and rapport-building. He also asked us to identify three goals - what we would like to see over the next six months. These are on our list (yes, they can't be SMART).
1. (Speech) We want to hear our Little One speak.
(Behavioral Modification) We want to feel that she understands us by cooperating when asked to do things. Currently, she seems to "operate" at her own will and time. When you bug her, she walks away.
3. (Behavioral Modification) We want to see less "casting" from the Little One. We don't understand why she likes to throw things.
She tends to do this when she's bored, happy, angry, etc. It's so strange.
Looking forward to the next session.

I hope Teacher Mark treats the Little One like his own: favorite sister, favorite daughter, best lady friend and/or mother.

"I'm frustrated" look

HELP Therapy Center
Address: 1655 Peñafrancia St.
, Brgy. Valenzuela, Makati City
Phone Number: 896-5195

Google Map: Click Here

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Scarlett Fever

I don't have the details but it seems that Scarlett Johannson, or a look-alike, was spotted by someone somewhere. The Hubby would have been thrilled. :D

I love the last comment - "why, mabantot din ebak nun." Keeps everyone grounded.

Shit is shit. If a heterosexual guy is given the opportunity to sit next to Scarlett while she takes a dump, he's gotta be a real sicko to be turned on.

Image is from here

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

dinner has been served
sinful servings of loathe
when you swallow these lines
how do they taste like
do they leave a bitter taste
in your mouth?

what flavor profile
drives indifference
deliberate or otherwise

a bucket full of good intentions
goes a long way

you chew as if time is just a spice

the salt shaker is tired
the chef wonders

Good thing I'm no beauty queen.

Question: Would you change your religious beliefs to marry the person you love, why or why not?’

Answer: If I have to change my religious belief, I will not marry the person I love because the first person that I love is God and He created me. And I have my faith, my principles and it what makes me who I am. And if that person loves me, he should love my God.

Religious beliefs are not clothes nor hair color. You can't "change" them just like that... The question is semantically flawed, it does not deserve to be answered. But this is Ms. Universe. A dear fag friend perennially reminds us all: it's not a quiz bee.

For my peace of mind, here's a question worthy of a thought: Would you marry someone whose religious beliefs are different from yours?

And my answer, pretend you're interested, is YES. I actually did. In my book, religion should not define personality, aspirations, decisions and actions. Values take care of these things. Religion is nothing but a social construct and contract. If a social acceptance is too important to a person --- then the answer is NO. Uh-oh... wait... I did that.

Tough huh? Good thing I'm no beauty queen.

Stop. Look. Listen.

Image is from

Stared at this image for almost ten minutes. I was, and still am, mesmerized. People who are able to create these little servings of visual delight are brilliant.

I am also inspired by the message of the stoplight.

Stop. Look. Listen.

I have been a reckless pedestrian in the streets of (real) life. I hopped, I grapevined, I loved in my own lane. And it's too late to be sorry. Maybe it's time to follow the grown-up rules.

I am never crossing the street again, poems in my pocket, with my eyes shut.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sometimes Father, you make me want to cry

I stole this photo from someone's FB page. I played with the image in Microsoft Office Picture Manager. I feel bad because I had to remove the head --- she's beautiful but I didn't have time to ask for permission to post. I need to highlight something that makes me want to give her a standing ovation while I kill myself.

This, people, is the body of a mom.

Her kid's barely two years old.

Look at that body.

Dare I show mine?

[09/12/11 Monday] My Very Own Monday Motivator

Yesterday, I questioned the Universe for all the bad things I inherited from people and life in general. She told me to read the fine print in my life contract.

Apparently there are four options:
  1. deal with them
  2. play the blame game until you die
  3. run away from them
  4. be dead
And I have to choose wisely because the last three options are the same.

"Swim, drowning is not an option"
My own digital creation
Made in Paint and MS PowerPoint

[09/11/11 Sunday Morning] Big Little Boy Woes

He turns to me, troubled.

"They gave me low ratings."


"I just won the championship but still they gave me low ratings."

Image is from here

How does one react to that?

[09/10/11 Saturday Afternoon] Spot the Difference

Mommy - Wears eyeglasses
Dadda - Wears eyeglasses
Little One - Will wear eyeglasses soon :(

Terrible thing to say. I suck at babymaking.

Little One's condition goes far beyond delays in development. Her eyes need to be "fixed" too.

Diagnosis from the eye doctor:
(-) Alternating / Right distance Exotropia (Excess Exotropia)
(+) Oculomotor Apraxia ; ruled out
She'll need to wear "exerciser" eyeglasses to cure the lazy eye.

I'm sorry Little One. There are days when I sincerely wish you were an Excel file, or a curriculum, or a training need, or an organizational development issue, or a performance gap... then I can fix you with my eyes closed.


[09/10/11 Saturday Morning] Juvenile Weekend

The past couple of weeks have been sad. With no friends to turn to (they're across the street busy with their own lives), I craved the company of a dear old friend. He's just my second best actually. Margarita is still the primary craving but my margarita heaven, Carafe, apparently closed shop a year ago.

Image is from

Lucky for me, it took a while for the Hubby to show up... And Coincidentally, Y was in Sukina with his class. They're celebrating graduation.

I invited myself and got to celebrate cheap juvenile misery.

Image is from here

This is my first taste of Vodka Cruiser after I became a mom. Almost three years... and so I got tipsy after two bottles. Pathetic. I know. But my heart smiled the entire time.

Sunday night - me and hubby downed more bottles. Three for me. Didn't get hit this time.


Now, I need to remind myself that I have an addictive personality.

And that I'm too old to be a budding alcoholic.