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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Good thing I'm no beauty queen.

Question: Would you change your religious beliefs to marry the person you love, why or why not?’

Answer: If I have to change my religious belief, I will not marry the person I love because the first person that I love is God and He created me. And I have my faith, my principles and it what makes me who I am. And if that person loves me, he should love my God.

Religious beliefs are not clothes nor hair color. You can't "change" them just like that... The question is semantically flawed, it does not deserve to be answered. But this is Ms. Universe. A dear fag friend perennially reminds us all: it's not a quiz bee.

For my peace of mind, here's a question worthy of a thought: Would you marry someone whose religious beliefs are different from yours?

And my answer, pretend you're interested, is YES. I actually did. In my book, religion should not define personality, aspirations, decisions and actions. Values take care of these things. Religion is nothing but a social construct and contract. If a social acceptance is too important to a person --- then the answer is NO. Uh-oh... wait... I did that.

Tough huh? Good thing I'm no beauty queen.

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